
Twitter is experimenting with a feature that changes the platform significantly

The latest addition is a new tool that lets users create polls and track results. And while we only had a few leaks from here and there on the same, Twitter, in a statement sent to VentureBeat, has now confirmed that it is indeed experimenting with such a thing.


Right now, it looks like polls are only visible on Twitter’s mobile apps and website, not on desktop applications like TweetDeck. It’s still in the experimental stage (meaning it could get shelved), but today’s announcement may certainly signal a move toward a wider rollout.

All Twitter is saying is that it is “experimenting with a new way to poll users on Twitter” with no indication of whether all users will be getting this polling feature or when.


Though Fred Wilson, one of Twitter’s early backers, tweeted that he was easily able to create a poll. One ticker is for the number of votes cast and the other is for the time left in casting a vote. “I went to the tweet field on twitter’s web clients, selected poll, and wrote the tweet”, Wilson said in a tweet. Twitter’s new feature could prove helpful for the journalists, government agencies or brands seeking the opinion of their followers on a certain topic. The new poll feature is already being rolled out to select users and it can be seen in multiple tweets.
