
Twitter Raises Follow Limit To 5000

These users might be your friends, family, celebrities, brands, news outlets, and so on, and by following you basically get to see whenever a new status has been posted.


Twitter is now allowing users to follow more people. This happens because the company allows users that have a high following to follower ratio to exceed the follow limit. Twitter has increased the follow limit from 2,000 to 5,000.

Twitter has increased the follow limit; it means that you can spend little more time on twitter by checking several tweets on your timeline. However, there is a few important thing to be noted in such cases.

It was met by a stream of responses, many of which expressed surprise that a limit existed, and others wondering why on earth anyone could possibly want to follow so many accounts. When you hit the magic figure of 5,000, a new set of rules kicks in.


According to Twitter, the company will not limit the number of followers you can have. This number is different for each account and is based on your ratio of followers to following; this ratio is not published. The company didn’t explain why it’s suddenly being so liberal, but it’s likely confident that its anti-spam tools will prevent bots from abusing this newfound freedom. According to the micro-blogging site, any user can follow a maximum of 1,000 people in a day. However, it will monitor how aggressively users follow other users. Also, slower user growth has been reported.

Twitter Raises Follow Limit To 5000