
Twitterati Criticize UN Appointing Saudi Arabia Head of Human Rights Council

UN Watch was able to obtain the UNHRC documents that say Saudi Arabia will lead a group of ambassadors which is the Consultative Group. He said that it may have been a consolation prize for the Saudis after withdrew their bid to head the 47-nation council in the wake of worldwide condemnation of the kingdom’s human rights record.


“The United Nations often describes these experts as the “crown jewels” of its Human Rights Council, yet the world body only undermines their legitimacy by picking a fundamentalist theocracy that oppresses women and minorities to preside over the experts’ appointment”.

The Saudi government has been accused of major human rights abuses, including public floggings, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and religion, and discrimination against women by various non-governmental organizations all over the world. It claimed that the appointment of Trad was made in June, but remained unreported until now.

The kingdom ranks 164 out of 180 countries in the RSF Press Freedom Index.

Another tweet calls for celebrating a “Global Behead An Infidel Day”, following Saudi Arabia’s position on the head of the UNHRC.

“The appointment only came to light today”.

According to media report, Saudi labour ministry said that inspection teams visited the site of the incident to find out the details.

A free speech watchdog on Monday condemned as “grotesque” Saudi Arabia’s appointment to head a panel advising the United Nations Human Rights Council. “Protesters have been held without charge and incommunicado for days or weeks at a time, and some are reported to have been tortured and otherwise ill-treated”.

The controversial selection, which seems to have stumped a lot of critics, has left the world to wonder if “oil trumps human rights” and has sparked the ire of human rights activists across the world.

Rights groups have also regularly expressed concern about the kingdom’s use of the death penalty.


A horrifying video of an Indian worker getting beaten up by a Saudi engineer goes viral while raising debates. “The country’s anti-terrorism regulations can be used to criminalize nearly any form of peaceful criticism of the authorities, and dozens of human rights defenders and others are serving long prison sentences for criticizing authorities or demanding political and human rights reforms”.

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