
Two white men in Brooklyn get into heated argument over ‘white privilege’

He then points his finger at the woman and says “White privilege!”


Race relations are the dark id of the American consciousness, but as this video shot by a bystander in gentrified downtown Brooklyn proves, the most fraught relationship is between white men… and white men.

What has makes this video most notable is that the accusations of gentrification and privilege – hot buzzwords often uttered by black Brooklyn residents, are being directed from one white man to another.

The man, who has been revealed as a 46-year-old personal trainer from Fort Greene, was caught on video yelling at the couple: ‘Don’t f****** come back here! Without a hint of irony, he screams, “The only reason white people like you live here is because I settled this f*cking neighborhood for you!” This wasn’t an exaggeration. “F–you!’ You f– white trash!” the jogger says.

Let’s be totally clear – if Stroller Man did knock Christopher Columbus off the sidewalk, it’s called rude.

“If I see him, I’ll approach him and try to get his contact info”, he said of the now-infamous jogger in his video.

“You’re new in the neighborhood, I came to this neighborhood”. “So I said a snarky thing, which the brothers say to me when I bump into them, which is ‘excuse you.’ We all know that’s acceptable in New York”. “I fight babies like you, baby!”

The video shows two men in a ferocious argument on the streets of Brooklyn, which appears have have broken out after one of them collided with the other while pushing a stroller. “I’ve been in this neighborhood”, the dude screams at the parents who dared push their stroller in the way of his jogging route. I grew up on the West 4th Street basketball courts.

“Some people actually think they are the settlers of Brooklyn”, he said. “I grew up with Stonewall, I grew up on the laps of drag queens”, he said.

“When you feel you have ownership of something, you cherish it and you take care of it”, he told Gothamist. “You fucking white trash”.

Those standing around watching the scene could be heard laughing at him and said “thank you, white guy” at these latest comments. When I look at the concrete I think, oh my blood mixes with the concrete’.


We’re not kidding. B.A. actually said this. Let the manhunt for Brooklyn’s most obnoxious gentrifier begin.

VIDEO: Raging white jogger who 'settled' Brooklyn accuses stroller dad of