
U.K. Labour Party Rivals Debate Unity in Drive to Unseat Corbyn

My total focus is on doing all I can to help to save the Labour Party as a credible, appealing national force’.


One of the candidates to be the next leader of the Labour party has said he’d be “very tempted” to overrule the result of last month’s referendum and keep the United Kingdom inside the EU. Eagle and Smith are keen to whittle the choice down to Corbyn and one opponent. I am pro-prosperity. I am pro- standing up for working people’.

She told MPs: “When it comes to bricks and windows, the Labour Party I know uses bricks to build homes and opens windows on a more tolerant society”.

And he tried to position himself as left of Eagle, saying she was “supported by a lot of people who are further right on the spectrum of the Labour party than I am”. Morning Star Online said Corbyn received a rapturous welcome from a crowd of more than 150,000 at the event, demanding he stays on as party leader.

In an interview with the Observer Mr Smith criticised Mr Corbyn’s lack of “man-management” skills and described his campaigning on the European Union referendum as “half-hearted”. We haven’t heard the end of this.

Mr Smith’s leadership launch will come after Mr Corbyn felt moved to tell his supporters not to abuse his challengers for the leadership amid rising intensity in Labour’s civil war.

Mr Findlay said: “This is a great start – 200 people gathered together looking to re-elect Jeremy, because he is the candidate who represents the ideas that we need to make the change the country needs”. So a key part of my British New Deal would be major investment to get the country building. We need to overhaul our tax system.

The meeting heard from Labour members from across Scotland, including constituency Labour Party secretaries upset at the “effective shutting down of the Labour Party” and from new members of the party who were “angry” at not receiving the vote they were promised.

“I’ve launched a campaign called “Keep It Comradely”.

“I’ve made it absolutely clear that I will listen to what our membership says but I will be supporting our democratically elected leader of our party and getting on with the job of holding this government to account. We trusted people to take the decision, we can trust them again in 18 months’ time to check if it was absolutely what they wanted”. I’ve seen it before in the 1980s and we got through it.

Over the previous year serving loyally in the Shadow Cabinet, I led campaigns that stopped the Tories in their tracks, when they tried to cut tax credits for low-paid workers and support for disabled people. However, having two candidates stand will weaken efforts to defeat the current Labour leader as the anti-Corbyn vote will likely be split between the pair.


He said: “Jeremy is running, I’m chair of his campaign committee, but I think there should be a range of candidates and I don’t think it would be appropriate if there wasn’t a woman on the ballot paper”.

Corbyn lacks leadership