
U. of Cincinnati shooting puts spotlight on campus police

Two University of Cincinnati police officers who corroborated the flawed account of a third officer, charged with murder for shooting an unarmed black man during a traffic stop, have been placed on paid leave, according to local reports.


A judge set bail at $1 million for Ray Tensing, who has pleaded not guilty to murder and voluntary manslaughter charges in the July 19 shooting death of Samuel DuBose.

Two other university police officers, Phillip Kidd and David Lindenschmidt, have been placed on administrative leave.

The prosecutors also released a graphic and widely anticipated video of the shooting, taken by a body camera worn by the officer, which they said was crucial to the case, and showed that Tensing and possibly other officers had misrepresented what had happened.

Terina Allen, DuBose’s sister, said that the body camera video footage showed that her brother was innocent and his shooting was unjust.

The prosecutor who brought the murder charge, Joe Deters, told The Cincinnati Enquirer that Kidd and Lindenschmidt testified before the grand jury that indicted Tensing.

There already have been a few protesting, but city leaders said because there is video of the incident and prosecutors moved quickly to arrest and charge the officer, they hope there is no more violence in Cincinnati.

As sirens from more police screamed in the background, Lindenschmidt encountered another officer who asked what had happened.

A body-camera video played for reporters on Wednesday showed how the traffic stop escalated into deadly violence. Earlier today, Tensing’s father posted his son’s million-dollar bond. However, because he did wear a bodycam, it is unlikely that Officer Tensing was intending to murder Dubose. In the official incident report on DuBose’s shooting, officer Kidd was quoted as saying he saw Tensing being dragged.

DuBose’s family had called for charges against the officers. The family’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, said in email Friday that they are “still concerned with the initial rendition of facts given by the officers”, but he said the family respects the grand jury’s decision.

Officer Ray Tensing, 25, appeared at his arraignment yesterday wearing a striped jail suit, with his hands cuffed behind him.

DuBose calmly asks why he was pulled over and eventually tells Tensing that he left his license at home.

Tensing’s attorney says his client feared for his life and didn’t intend to kill DuBose.

Deters added that Dubose going limp and his foot lifting off the brake likely led to the car’s movement down the road. Former St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch believes the prosecution of officers may just be to pleas or quiet an raging community.

I think he lost his temper because Mr DuBose wouldn’t get out of his vehicle”.


“Stop”, Tensing says. “Stop!” Tensing, who has been fired by the university, was released from jail on bond later Thursday. Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley said in a subsequent news conference that there will be an independent review of the University of Cincinnati police department.

Police Union Files Grievance To Get Ray Tensing His Job Back