
U.S. awards 16 mln Dollars to states, territories to fight Zika

All 14 cases are thought to have occurred in Miami’s Wynwood arts district, a trendy, fast-gentrifying neighborhood of warehouses, art galleries, restaurants and boutiques. At the same time, USA health authorities have said they don’t expect major outbreaks in this country, in part because of better sanitation and the use of air conditioners and window screens.


More resources and money have been put toward Zika, but, so far, no help to cover it.

“We’re going to keep everybody safe”, he went on, “we’re going to work hard to make sure everybody that needs a test gets a test. If you need a protection kit we’ll do everything we can”. As with other mosquito-borne illnesses, she said mosquito control and education efforts will quickly eradicate the outbreaks.

FILE – This 2006 file photo provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Aedes aegypti mosquito in the process of acquiring a blood meal from a human host.

As a result, Columbus Public Health is watching the mosquito population closely.

The recommendation comes after the Florida Department of Health identified that the Zika virus is being spread by mosquitoes in Wynwood, an area in one neighborhood of Miami.

More than 1,600 positive Zika infections were previously recorded in the U.S., including about 100 in California, but they were associated with foreign travel.

IL recently received $360,000 to establish, enhance and maintain information-gathering systems to rapidly detect microcephaly – a serious birth defect of the brain – and other adverse outcomes caused by Zika.

Taylor said any pregnant women who visited the area on or after June 15 should see their health care providers for testing.

Dr. Curry is monitoring 12 pregnant women believed to have contracted Zika while traveling.

“I hear about the stories of the women and their baby’s coming out with problems”, said Zanoni.

One neighbors says it’s too close to home: “Everybody is talking about it right now and obviously we’re concerned and using lots of bug spray”.


Shah said Zika spreading outside Florida is a concern.

Knox County Health Department: Things you can do at home to prevent spread of Zika