
U.S. checking reports of Iran missile test says White House

Lawmakers took aim at the Obama administration Wednesday for failing to respond more aggressively to reports that Iran launched a second medium-range ballistic missile last month – a potential violation of United Nations resolutions. Such testing is prohibited under United Nations Security Council resolutions, which Iran maintains it has not violated. “The conducting a serious review of the reported incident”, she told reporters after a meeting of the Security Council on unrelated issues. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to speak up, noting that both of them ostentatiously based their support for Obama’s deal on his promises of careful vetting, strict accountability, and the swift re-imposition of sanctions if Iran cheated.


Iran’s regime has not confirmed whether the test took place.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), a vocal opponent of the nuclear agreement, said that Iran would continue to violate the agreement because it does not believe there will be any repercussions.

The people who knew the Administration did not mean that before Iran forced them to demonstrate their dishonesty are known as “Republicans”. “Israel knew that. Everyone knew it. This is about a domestic objective for the Obama administration”. Unfortunately, that is exactly one of the things that the Iran deal will accomplish.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned that “the nuclear deal will be rendered void” if there is any attempt to reimpose sanctions on Iran for any reason.

Iran insists it has no plans to develop atomic weapons.

Menendez has introduced legislation to extend sanctions against Iran for ten years, and although his party remains mostly in lockstep behind President Obama – with the odd bit of theatrical angst from frauds like Senator Chuck Schumer – there are a few others having second thoughts about the deal. “Iran is in open violation of the JCPOA”.

“We still have, and will remain capable of having, unilateral sanctions of our own to deal with the kinds of destabilizing things that Iran is capable of, to include… a ballistic missile program”, State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

“While your administration has attempted to treat Iran’s ballistic missile program as separate from Iran’s nuclear program, this approach does not withstand scrutiny-as [Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper’s testimony makes clear”, they write.

“There’s no doubt Congress could act to prevent he implementation of this catastrophic nuclear deal”, he said in the interview. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said in a statement. The U.N. Security Council still has not decided how to respond to the first violation of its resolutions, which is not a flattering comment on the power of U.N. Security Council resolutions.


“If the reports are confirmed and if there is a violation of any relevant UN Security Council resolution, then we’re going to take the appropriations actions”.

Republicans Clamor for More Pressure On Iran