
U.S. coalition targets Islamic State with 17 strikes – statement

U.S. Sen. Christopher Murphy, D-Conn., issued a statement following Carter’s appearance before Congress, calling the deployment of more U.S. ground troops a mistake. They now are trying to move south to isolate and hopefully retake the IS stronghold of Raqqa, he said. Carter said that will improve intelligence and generate more targets for attacks. He replied: “estimates in the neighborhood of 30,000”.


The school’s Program on Extremism examined the demographic data on the 71 suspects arrested in conjunction with Islamic State-related activities since March 2014.

Resentment of the extremists has been stronger in Ramadi, but some residents worry about the cost of dislodging the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL and its Arabic acronym, Daesh. “And that’s the sensation that we want all of ISIL’s leadership and followers to have”. But he said he also fears increased airstrikes and clashes, with him and his family unable to escape. But in May, the militants unleashed a wave of suicide bombings that stunned the city’s defenders, and police and troops collapsed and fled. But take away the anvil, and the hammer would remain. Although progress was often slow, they clawed back territory surrounding the city. He said it will be a “standing” force, meaning it will be stationed in Iraq. But a more urgent assessment of the threat posed by the Islamic State should not lead the United States to commit ground troops to fight against it, or to soften its opposition to Assad.

“Now, evidence seems to point to hardship in Mosul, and [the Islamic State] has been resorting to measures to try to deal with the new reality of having to pay those working under its authority who no longer get salaries directly from the Iraqi government”, he said. These areas, they say, are experiencing acute shortages of medicine for chronic diseases such as diabetes, as well as prolonged electricity cuts. Gen. Ahmed al-Bilawi, who commands a unit within the Anbar command.

President Barack Obama insisted on Thursday his decision to deploy special forces to the Middle East in the fight against the terror organization ISIS does not mean the United States would embark on any operation similar to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Iraqi commanders believe IS fighters “will use up ammunition, run out of food and, especially, water”, Hertling said. About 200 more personnel are being added in Iraq.

“We have not contained ISIL”, the top USA military official told members of the House Armed Services committee Tuesday.

The tactics used to get bin Laden in Pakistan, honed in hundreds of raids in Iraq and Afghanistan, were developed by groups such as Task Force 714 in Iraq, which joined the intelligence resources of the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency with Navy Seal Team Six and Army Delta Force commandos.

U.S. authorities announced earlier in the week that additional special operations forces would be deployed in Syria and Iraq.

“They just aren’t there yet”, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

While the central government has vowed to arm pro-government Sunni tribesmen in Anbar, few have received weapons.


The US military has released a new series of videos highlighting the anti-ISIS coalition’s latest string of successful airstrikes against the terrorist group throughout Iraq.

UK Parliament