
U.S. election: Donald Trump’s speech aims to unify party

His speech outlined the policies he would pursue if he wins the presidency of the United States.


But Trump supporters said those Republicans were in denial and that Trump had permanently wrested control of the party away from the establishment elites.

He said: “Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation”.

“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves”, Mr Trump said.

In a direct appeal to Americans shaken by a summer of violence at home and around the world, Mr Trump promised that if he takes office in January, “safety will be restored”. January 20 is the day the new US president will be inaugurated.

Trump addressed recent killings in several US cities involving police and civilians.

Trump “humbly and gratefully” endorsed the Republican mantle before 2,000 raucous party activists in Cleveland, in a strikingly populist speech that offered a dark view of today’s America.

Trump said the administration of President Barack Obama has been weak on crime.

He repeatedly criticized his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, including her tenure as Secretary of State.

Forbes magazine reports that her label made $100 million in sales past year.

For a billionaire real estate developer, businessman and reality television star who has been a tabloid sensation and uniquely American household name for 30 years, that sentence brought an end to a primary campaign that began with what political pundits predicted would be a flash in the pan. “Every day I wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned”. In his over an hour long speech, the NY billionaire spoke about Clinton’s legacy of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” as the secretary of state and highlighted perceived failings of President Barack Obama’s administration.

Foreigners from terror-linked countries would be banned, a wall will be built on the Mexican border and trade deals would be ripped up and renegotiated. The newspaper also pointed to the Republican nominee’s reiteration that globalization has hurt the American worker. LGBT is short for the words lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. He pledged to fight terrorism by improving intelligence gathering and working with allies in the region to battle IS. Do we want to create a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants or ship all of them out of the country?

But there were no fashion mishaps Thursday night when Ivanka introduced her father to formally accept the Repuplican presidential nomination.

Yet he also accused her of “terrible, bad crimes” and said her greatest achievement may have been avoiding prison for her use of a private email and personal server as secretary of state.

The Herald also reported there were more Google searches for the 34-year-old businesswoman than for her father. “He is color blind and gender neutral, he hires the best person for the job”.


Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.: “If Hillary Clinton is allowed to elect the next few Supreme Court justices, that in itself could be a fatal blow to our republic…”

Hillary Clinton testifies before a committee on Benghazi in October. There is a joyless quality to the Clinton candidacy that even her supporters acknowledge Colby Cosh writes