
U.S. House Passes Bill That Could Limit Syrian Refugees

The U.S. House passed a bill on Thursday that could stop the program that allows Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the us.


Unless the GOP presidential candidate relents, this may delay passage of the underlying funding bill until after the Thanksgiving recess when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can take the time consuming procedural steps to overcome Paul’s objections.

President Barack Obama signed the two-week funding measure Friday using an “autopen” while he was in Malaysia.

An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the measure that emerged from the conference committee was an improvement over the versions that passed the House and Senate this summer.

“This is a hard subject”, said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., who worked with Sen. They know there are challenges including the problem of public perception.

The agreement Thursday preserves the federal requirement that public schools administer annual standardized tests in reading and math from third through eighth grade and once in high school. It does not allow Title 1 funds to “follow the student” when a low-income student transfers to a different school.

Congress is finally close to a vote to rewrite the outdated and extremely criticized No Child Left Behind education law. However, in the House bill, Congressman Chuck Fleishmann (R-Tenn.) introduces and speaks in favor of the Geosynthetic Amendment. States are required only to set “challenging” academic standards that will prepare students to enter universities or career and technical colleges.

And that consensus is this – Continue the law’s important measurements of academic progress of students but restore to states, school districts, classroom teachers and parents the responsibility for deciding what to do about improving student achievement.

“But they are supporting a policy of bringing tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees into this country knowing full well that we can not vet them to determine who is coming here to wage jihad”, Cruz said on the Senate floor.

“We are not well served when, in response to a terrorist attack, we descend into fear and panic”, Obama said in the Philippines on Wednesday.

Kline’s Democratic counterpart on the committee, Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia, praised the bill’s accountability safeguards.

Kusler added that the proposal fulfills a few of the union members’ priorities, including “a reduction of testing and high stakes associated with those tests”. Michael Bennet, a Democrat from Colorado, aimed toward decreasing over-testing within the nation’s faculties.

The House bill also contains a provision that would establish a pilot program authorizing states to conduct environmental reviews under state, not federal, environmental laws, and another that would direct commenting agencies to “afford substantial deference” to a lead agency’s preferred alternative instead of considering other options. House and Senate Republicans wanted states to make that extra funding portable, so students who moved to a more affluent school or a charter school could take the money with them.


Republicans think they have a slam-dunk political victor and predict Democrats will pay a price for blocking the measure, which has strong bipartisan support.

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