
U.S. says concrete has been poured at Iran’s Arak reactor

“If it were not for the 20,000 centrifuge slap from the previous government [Ahmadinejad] they [the P5+1] would have never sat at the negotiating table”, former chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Mohsen Rezaei has stated. “Until we have answers to these questions, we should not be rationalizing Iran’s behavior in an incident that was highly abnormal”, Cotton said in a statement.


But not safe, secure and strong enough to have deterred Iran from releasing photographs of the supposedly well-treated sailors on their knees, hands behind their heads. There was an apology, and Iran didn’t respond “appropriately”, but rather violated global law by forcing one of the sailors to “confess”, by filming the servicemen and woman in humiliating positions, and by forcing the lone woman in the crew to comply with Sharia law.

Iran may be taking steps to implement its side of the nuclear deal, but Schanzer said Tuesday’s incident “sends a very stern message to the president and the American people…the regime itself is not likely to change any aspects of its foreign policy other than aspects of its nuclear file”. Evidently, the humiliating photographs were of no effect to the Secretary of State.

Although China and the United States were expected to help Iran redesign the reactor core, deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi said Wednesday that an Iranian company would modernise it. That’s why it’s important to have channels open.

Such expressions of good will are pure spin.

KELEMEN: And Royce says the Obama administration isn’t pushing back. The sailors were released from Farsi Island on Wednesday.

An Iranian commander claims that while the crisis was ongoing, Iran had missiles locked on the U.S.S. Truman aircraft carrier and threatened a “catastrophe” against US forces.

This 2011 photo shows the heavy water nuclear facility near Arak. He didn’t mention the captives while he was speaking, instead highlighting the Iran nuclear deal as a top legacy achievement. It has denied that any of its nuclear activity is aimed at developing weapons. It did so again in November.

The IAEA’s Board of Governors passed a resolution in December ending its long-running inquiry into whether Iran once had a secret nuclear weapons program or so-called “possible military dimensions” (PMD).

“Iran does not deserve the benefit of the doubt”.

Biden: The Iranians picked up both boats, as we have picked up Iranian boats that needed to be rescued….They released them, like ordinary nations would do.

Iran already trades limited amounts of oil mainly with Asian buyers legitimately under sanctions, but its crude exports have fallen to just over 1 million bpd, down from a peak of over 3 million bpd in 2011, pre-sanctions. But absent evidence of cruelty, the Obama Administration suggested that the sailors had been treated well and released quickly.

Done nothing as Iran holds American citizens hostage for diplomatic extortion. “And we do apologize for our mistake”.

Regarding the other main type of nuclear fuel, uranium, Kerry says “all of their enriched materials have been put on a ship, taken out and gone to Russian Federation for processing”.

Obama is living in a state of delusion. The world has not avoided another war any more than it did with Neville Chamberlain’s “peace for our time” proclamation.


Hopefully, Obama’s damage to the security interests of the United States is not beyond fix.

Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at United Nations headquarters. As Iran races to satisfy the terms of last summers nuclear deal and the U.S. prepares to suspend