
U.S. should not take in Syrian refugees

Right now, thousands of families continue to pour out of Iraq and Syria to avoid civil war and the horrors of ISIS. And America has a long history of helping people in need. But the British newspaper, The Independent, quoted an official French source who noted that the passport might have been planted by the terrorists as propaganda, meant to create fear among the countries now receiving refugees. After a Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the suspects in the Paris attacks, many governors said they would not accept refugees from Syria. This is a commonsense step the federal government is required to take to fulfill its duty to protect Americans.


What this calls for is not ending or so bureaucratically jamming up the Syrian refugee program it effectively grinds to a halt, but a careful scrutiny of the visa waiver program to ensure it’s working as well as possible. Jeb Bush, criticized President Obama’s recent policy to allow 10,000 Syrian more refugees into the country.

“In short, the security vetting for this population – the most vulnerable of individuals – is extraordinarily thorough and comprehensive”, Secretary of State John Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson write in letters sent to all state and territorial governors and to the mayor of Washington. D.C.

Brushing off refugee worries at home, Obama crouched alongside migrant children on Saturday and declared they are the opposite of terrorists wreaking havoc from Paris to Mali.

We haven’t faced this exodus simply because it is so much harder for Syrian refugees to arrive at the border and seek asylum.

A USA official speaking on the condition of anonymity told Reuters that there will be increased cooperation between France and the United States and that next week’s talks between Hollande and Obama may encourage others in the anti-ISIS coalition to do more.

This action comes on the heels of 31 governors asserting that they did not want Syrian refugees resettled in their states. That is definitely a challenge…. Sending U.S. ground troops back to the Middle East while denying refugees from ISIL sanctuary would provide the terrorist with a ready-made propaganda and recruitment campaign.

This is a moment, then, when it’s better to be safe than sorry. Joseph A. Griffo said the states should still have their voices heard, and he’s calling for a moratorium on the admission of refugees from “specified regions”. Democrats in large numbers have abandoned their president and his opposition to stiffer screening measures; forty-seven of them voted against Obama on Thursday.

It would be reckless for the Administration and Congress to not take ISIS threats seriously. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will have to put a hold on accepting Syrian refugees until it has revamped the security-check process to meet the new requirements. He emphasized there is no “religious test, only a security test”. Those few refugees who are approved for resettlement in America or other countries are scrutinized through a process that can take years.

People on the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list can’t board commercial airliners, but they can walk into a gun store and legally buy pistols and powerful military-style rifles.


“If our law enforcement and our intelligence community can not verify that each and every person is not a security threat, then they shouldn’t be allowed in”.

Should the US Increase Screening of Syrian Refugees?