
U.S. to defend Syrian rebels with airpower, including from Assad

But it can launch defensive strikes on any group that attacks the U.S.-backed rebels, including government forces. He says the U.S. also will likely fly search and rescue missions from the base. Captured alongside Jassem near the northern Syrian town of Azaz were his division’s commander, 16 graduates of the allied train-and-equip program, and two other division soldiers, according to Aziz Abu Mohammad, a 30th Division commander based in Turkey, who was interviewed by telephone.


Ankara and Washington are hoping that together with the Syrian rebels they will sweep ISIL fighters from a strip of land along the Turkish border. The U.S. and allies have conducted more than 5,000 airstrikes over the past year in Iraq and Syria against Islamic State, a radical Sunni group that declared a self-styled caliphate, or religious state.

The recent attacks by Jabhat al-Nusra underscore the vulnerability of U.S.-trained forces in Syria and highlight the obstacles that military officials must overcome if the program, which began training cadets after a long buildup this spring, can succeed.

Added impetus for a shift to a more hardline policy on Syria has come with the hysterical denunciations of the administration over the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, Syria’s main ally.

Defense Secretary Aston Carter’s claims about US efforts to turn the tide against IS is polar opposite US strategy.

Every member of Congress or staffer who I spoke with in the past ten months was tremendously troubled by the lack of clarity about the U.S. commitment to these rebels and the likelihood that they would make a difference on the ground. U.S. warplanes quickly swept in to assist defend the Pentagon-trained unit, marking the primary time that American plane had immediately supported the trainees. The more moderate rebel groups and Al Nusra worked together in Idlib to defeat regime forces.

Some U.S. lawmakers including Sen.

The Pentagon would only be authorized to conduct so-called offensive air operations in Syria in support of the newly trained force when it fights Islamic State, which is sometimes referred to as ISIS.

Syrian opposition factions, including the Nusra Front, under the joint command of Jaysh al-Fatah, had seized control of the city of Idlib early previous year.

A member of a brand new Syrian drive educated by the D.J. army was believed to have been killed in clashes final week with al Qaeda’s Syria wing, in what can be the fledgling drive’s first battlefield casualty, D.R. officers informed Reuters on Monday. “But if attacked, we’ll defend them against anyone who’s attacking them”, said a senior military official.

The Pentagon describes the group as seasoned Al Qaeda terrorists who’ve been plotting assaults towards the West from elements of Syria held by rebels.

The new rules, which the Pentagon recommended and which Mr. Obama approved, will apply only to forces trained and equipped by the Pentagon. As noted, administration officials have been questioned about this multiple times by Congress and been told basically, “we will get back to you”.


The drones will operate mainly as a protective umbrella for the handful of Syrian fighters trained by U.S. forces to fight the militants, in effect giving the 60 or so guerrillas their own air support capability with American precision-guided missiles.

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