
Uber Trip Tracker lets you track family members

The Trip Tracker is part of another Uber feature called Family Profiles, which lets you add other riders to a joint family profile, with rides billed to the profile organizer. Family Profiles have been created in over 60 countries, with the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia and Colombia loving the feature the most.


The feature requires that the people whose rides you want to keep an eye on are included in your Family Profile.

When a member takes a ride with Uber under the Family Profile, you’ll be notified of their trip details.

The feature will let you know the route taken by the family member, which time they got in the auto and when they are about to arrive at their destination. The company points out that Trip Tracker deploys sophisticated technology so that you know that your loved ones are safe when using Uber.

Uber’s Family Profiles is a program that allows up to 10 people share one payment method.

Uber launched Family Profiles a couple of months ago, it enables users to pay for the rides their family and friends take, I say friends because it’s not necessary that you must have only your family members on a Family Profile. What is more, the Uber app gives access to live tracking of the trip, if the admin deems it necessary.


If you have not done it already, you will need to set up a Family Profile to obviously make use of Trip Tracker.

Uber Trip Tracker lets you follow family members in real-time