
Uber wants to track drivers’ phones to help them travel safer

Uber is introducing a handful of new features to its drivers’ app today as it looks to improve safety on the roads.


Uber drivers will also receive daily reports on their driving as it relates to other drivers in their area.

Across 11 pilot cities, Uber will be sending out reminders for drivers to take a break if they’ve been driving non-stop for too long, ensuring alert and well-rested hands on the wheel.

At the same time, Uber is also trying to ease some strains in its relationship with drivers, who work as independent contractors and in some cases have sued Uber over pay and working conditions. In fact, since Uber riders already score their drivers, it’s likely the system will only benefit drivers because it will help give them more insight into why they may have received a poor rating in the first place.

According to Uber, the driver is responsible for the safety and well-being of the rider, whether hailed through logistics company Uber or not.

Uber said the measurements won’t be used to penalize drivers, but did point out the software measures activities that are often seen in some of the lowest rated drivers.

In January, the Guardian reported Uber had begun testing its technology in Austin and Houston. They include Automatic, a small device which plugs into any auto and helps coach new drivers and track expenses; Zubie, a similar device that helps lower insurance rates; and Zendrive Inc., a San Francisco startup that helps dozens of companies monitor fleets of drivers by assigning each one a score.

Uber drivers already use a smartphone app to book rides and track their progress through Global Positioning System. Uber’s top US rival, Lyft Inc., has held discussions with telematics-technology providers but decided the software was still too early in its development to roll out to its thousands of drivers, Chris Lambert, the company’s chief technology officer, said in an interview in January.


The new features are being tried out in 11 USA cities.

Uber wants to track drivers' phones to help them travel safer