
Ubisoft Looking Into Punishing Players That Glitch On Boss Battles

When players discovered the Mobile Cover glitch to create a Falcon Lost Incursion exploit just hours after The Division 1.1 update went online, the team scrambled a patch in approximately 24 hours. Following another glitch that gave players who exploited the bug some of the best armor in the game, many players are frustrated to the point where they believe the only option is to quit.


Community manager Natchai Stappers wrote on the Ubisoft forums that the exploit is “against our Code of Conduct and the team is looking into what can be done in terms of punishment for those who have exploited”.

Of course, Ubisoft isn’t fond of players exploiting the mission to get rewards the player hasn’t earned fairly – which has lead Ubisoft to look into punishment for exploiters.

This is especially a problem in the player-versus-player Dark Zone, where players who have cheated their way to weeks’ worth of Falcon Lost rewards now have an insurmountable advantage. Falcon Lost itself is nothing more than a disappointing, a single room, with wave-based gameplay, and a vehicle that constantly bombards you the entire time. However, this move was not met well by other layers, specifically those who have been playing the game casually and honestly.

So how is Ubisoft going to discourage players from abusing this exploit before it is fixed? Responses on the forum and Reddit vary from slightly annoyed to extremely angry-one Reddit user, CarpeBedlam, believes the developer should take responsibility for the exploit.

The company has a long-term plan for the shooter and in June the first paid downloadable content pack for it called Underground, will be launched with new areas to explore and powerful enemies to take out.

Even in Falcon Lost itself, players report being abandoned by their match-made comrades if they try to run the activity properly without using the exploit.

Due to the numerous problems, bugs and glitches, “The Division” present game status is quite critical.

“So if you’re still experiencing it, keep informing us”. As seems to the norm for The Division, however, the feature introduced several glitches into the mix when it finally released, and many players exploited these developmental short-sights to make the mission much easier than it was meant to be.

I asked Ubisoft if they could offer more specifics on coming fixes, punishments and possible rollbacks or rebalancing but did not hear back by press time.


Which leads us to a weird situation: players being punished for taking advantage of a developer’s crappy code.

The Division_Incursion