
Ubisoft reveals two online multiplayer modes for Watch Dogs 2

A new approach to online play in Watch Dogs 2, the Bounty Hunter mode is tied to the police heat system and playable by two to four players.


In Watch Dogs 2, hacking is the ultimate weapon, and players cannot only hack into the city’s infrastructure, but also every person and any connected device they possess, to trigger unpredictable chains of events. While Ubisoft has shared smaller details about the game recently, such as the fact that certain minigames from the first game are not coming back, fans have been waiting for bigger details.

“We scored the original Watch Dogs an 8.5, calling it an, “.excellent open-world action game with some unique hacking-magic that makes it a memorable experience”.

Known as Bounty Hunter mode, it allows players to hunt down other real life players once they’ve attracted too much attention from the police inside of their own game.

According to the description of the video above, “Watch the first look into the various scenarios of the Watch Dogs 2 seamless online gameplay experience”.

Bounties can trigger in a couple of different ways.

Alternatively, you can trigger a bounty yourself by using the Contacts app in Marcus’ phone.

The first Watch Dogs included a mode where you have to hack another player without getting spotted till the data transfers completely. The videos show off more of its online multiplayer gameplay. You’ll see that at the head of this post.


Watch Dogs 2 will hit the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms on November 15, 2016.

Watch Dogs 2 online