
UCLA DC Tom Bradley denies seeing, knowing of Jerry Sandusky abuse

McQueary, who had said he reported an incident he witnessed in 2001 to Paterno and went on to testify at Sandusky’s criminal trial, claimed in his deposition that Bradley “said he knew of some things” about Sandusky dating back to the 1980s.


After leaving Rutgers for a head coaching stint with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Schiano is now the associate head coach and defensive coordinator at Ohio State.

Bradley coached at Penn State from 1979 to 2011 and was the interim head coach after Paterno was sacked in the wake of the Sandusky scandal. Penn State paid out almost $93 million to victims, and is attempting to get reimbursed by its insurance company. The testimony was collected in 2014, but was only unsealed Tuesday by court order. Sandusky was convicted in 2012 of assaulting 10 boys over a 15-year period and was sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. Paterno died from lung cancer in January 2012. Sandusky attempted to hide the activity by pretending he was wrestling.

“I don’t want to hear about any of that kind of stuff”, Paterno allegedly told the boy.

I was shocked, disappointed, offended.

“I got the impression he thought I was lying to him and just wasting his time”, Doe 102 said in the documents. “You’re not going to do anything else?”

Paterno, the man testified, just walked away.

The man testified he never told law enforcement or his family about the incident.

The documents include no other independent corroboration of the incident, and the Paterno family released a statement questioning the testimony.

A statement provided by the Paterno through their representative said the “overwhelming evidence confirms that Joe Paterno never engaged in a cover up of Jerry Sandusky’s crimes”.

In McQueary’s testimony, he indicated that he had discussed witnessing Sandusky abusing a victim.

John Doe 101 said that Sandusky would frequently change what he was doing when he heard the push button entry to the room being activated to make it appear they were wrestling.

2016 will be Schiano’s first season on staff after replacing Chris Ash who left OSU to be the head coach at Rutgers, a job Schiano served in from 2001-2011.

Sandusky often met his victims through a football program he ran, The Second Mile, for underprivileged youth.

The cache of court documents related to the Penn State abuse scandal that were unsealed today came from the university’s legal dispute with its insurance company, PMA, which argued that it was not responsible for covering the university’s payments to Jerry Sandusky’s victims, in part because Penn State officials knowingly kept the abuse secret.

“Over the past four-and-a-half years Joe Paterno’s conduct has been scrutinized by an endless list of investigators and attorneys”, said Wick Sollers, the Paternos’ lawyer.


John Doe 75 said Sarra may have said something like, “Oh, sorry”, and immediately walked out.

UCLA DC Tom Bradley denies seeing knowing of Jerry Sandusky abuse