
UD Probe:”Makeshift” Nooses Aren’t Nooses

Three nooses found hanging from trees on the campus of the University of Delaware are being investigated as a hate crime. Authorities say, the items were remains of three paper lanterns from an event previously held on The Green at UD.


“I am confident that we have determined the origin of these items”, weighed in Police Chief Patrick Ogden.

Still, the news did not assuage the consternation of some students.

One student said she and her friends had taken some of the lanterns used at a June alumni weekend event as decorations, leaving remnants of twine and metal frames behind.

UD scheduled a gathering on campus for Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. ET. I assure you we will work diligently to get to the bottom of this situation, identify the person or persons responsible and hold them accountable for their actions.

The nooses were believed to have been placed between dusk and 10 p.m. outside Mitchell Hall, university police said on Facebook.

According to the Associated Press, Ms Targett said the incident revealed the campus’ sensitivity to the potential issue and showed a need for “continuing dialogue”.

Despite the police findings, the concerns at the University of Delaware reflect ongoing racial tensions in the country. They were found on a tree near Mitchell Hall, where guns were also found right advocate Katie Pavlich spoke earlier in the week at the invitation of a student group.

A month before, a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma had its charter removed after a video surfaced showing members using the N-word and referring to lynching in a chant.


UD officials moved rapidly to condemn the ferocious hate crime via a statement sent to students.

College States- Delaware