
Ugh, Shia LaBeouf Will Binge-Watch Shia LaBeouf Movies For 3 Days

(His lawyers and agents must be grateful for that, at least.) But it’s nearly as weird as his infamous outburst at a June 2014 performance of “Cabaret”. In fact, LaBeouf has just now reached peak narcissism, as for his most recent project, he will sit in a NY City movie theater and rewatch all of his own films, in reverse chronological order. The audience mostly behaved throughout the establishing shots, until a large bald guy hovered near LaBeouf and took a photo (with flash, no less), prompting the actor to momentarily break his focus with a stern look.


LaBeouf is now sitting at the Angelika Film Center at 18 West Houston Street in NY City, so why not go join him?

According to the project’s website, #ALLMYMOVIES by LaBeouf is exactly that, a three-day movie marathon of all the movies he’s ever acted in.

Shia LaBeouf live streams watching his own movies.

There’s only one way to find out: keep watching Shia watch himself. If he’s already getting stir insane with 67 hours left, we’re waiting on the edge of our seats to see what carefully orchestrated-or improvised-chaos he wreaks.

Shia LaBeouf, 29, is showing his artsy side once again, and this time it’s on the east coast. Oh, and he’s live-streaming his face while he watches all 50 hours. LaBeouf, who’s been acting since he was a child, has a long filmography to get through, one that covers more than 15 years of his life. It has yet to be determined if any of LaBeouf’s small-screen or music video endeavors like Even Stevens or Sia’s “Elastic Heart” will be a part of the line-up. And, the news that will secure how much you hate Shia LaBeouf forever: You’ll also have to sit through Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of Crystal Skull.


The actor made headlines in 2014 with his performance art piece #IAMSORRY in Los Angeles.

Shia LaBeouf is watching #ALLMYMOVIES