
Uh Oh: New Poll Shows Hillary In Danger Of Losing California

John Kasich’s drubbing in New York’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday left his camp blaming anti-Trump forces for failing to deliver – and even prompted Democrats to wonder why he is still in the race.


For 6th District Republicans, voters will have 41 delegates and 17 alternates to choose from. “It’s over”, Trump said. “Trump fits neither of those criteria, so he stands to have the most to lose”.

With this reality, it would be understandable if Sanders just gave up on his bid and started supporting Clinton for the general elections. Indeed, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who dropped out of the race a month ago, still has more delegates and more total votes than Mr. Kasich. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee.

However, the Pennsylvania 54 are not bound by such rules, they may vote for whom they wish on the first ballot and any other ballots taken.

The prospect of ME delegates changing their support on subsequent votes at a contested national convention in Cleveland and politicking by 199 delegate candidates added drama before Saturday’s tallies.

Trump is trying to convince his party that if he comes close he should be awarded the nomination for President anyway-and avoid a messy nominating contest at the Party’s convention in July.

“No one is able to reach 1,237”, he said, referring to the number of delegates a Republican candidate needs to win the nomination.

“I’m honored to have Ed’s endorsement, and I look forward to working with him and the entire New York Republican Party as we head toward victory in November”.

Who’s counting? A lot more ten be spent.

There are 71 GOP delegates at stake in Pennsylvania, and 54 of them are directly elected by voters.

The Democratic primary, by comparison, is more straightforward.

While Biden has not endorsed either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nominee, he has not been shy about talking about the state of the race and the two candidates. The former secretary of state holds a 61% to 32% edge among women, compared to Sanders’ smaller 50% to 41% advantage with men.


He also accused Hillary Clinton of being “crooked”, saying, “we call her “crooked Hillary” because she’s a crooked person”.
