
UK council investigating employee who insulted Prince George

According to the Sun – whose website has images of the various posts made during the rant – Gibbins is a senior employee at the British Council, an organization that receives nearly $210 million of public money per year to promote British language and culture in over 100 countries and whose patron is Queen Elizabeth II.


A head of British Council, Angela Theresa Gibbins, was allegedly caught making the remarks against the 3-year-old British prince on a private comment, claiming the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s firstborn is “living off public money”.

Angela Gibbins, 52, criticised the three-year-old for being royal and rich, and claimed he would never know any hardships in life.

“Let’s find photos of 3yo Syrian refugee children and see if they look alike, eh?” she added.

She also made fun of George’s facial expressions.

First came “Ice-Cream Gate”, in which Prince George shared some ice cream with family pet Lupo, leading to tweets for the young prince to be thrown in jail “for irresponsible animal cruelty”-and, from a British animal cruelty charity, a warning that ice cream for dogs should be made from pet-friendly ingredients”.

“Those comments may not be shared or valued by the British Council but that person [is] employed by the British Council, therefore she should be removed with no parting handout”, one user said.

The British Council supposedly promotes and champions British culture around the globe, and receives £154.9 million of public money a year to do so.

At all of three years of age, Britain’s Prince George has been hit by a nasty rant on Facebook, by an employee of a British government-supported organization.

Even the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals released a statement about the potential negative consequences of George’s good intentions saying in part, “We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be hard for them to digest”. And I doubt Gibbins was hating on George when all that Royal Baby commemorative plate revenue was pouring in. It has absolutely no connection to the British Council and does not represent the views of the British Council.

When a number of others reacted in outrage, Gibbins is said to have responded: “I’m sound in my socialist, atheist and republican opinions”.

Many are calling for Ms Gibbins to be stood down, arguing she has brought the council into disrepute. “That’s a privilege and that needs to end”.


“Many employers do have rules and policies in place but just talking to employees and making them understand the seriousness of inappropriate social media use and the impact it can have is important”, she explains.

Barack Obama Prince William Duke of Cambridge and First Lady Michelle Obama talk with Prince George at Kensington Palace