
UK’s Cameron says leaving EU would increase risk of war

But Cameron will argue: “Whenever we turn our back on Europe, sooner or later we come to regret it. We have always had to go back in, and always at much higher cost”.


David Cameron this week refused to apologise for branding the maverick real estate mogul “divisive, stupid and wrong” over his call previous year for Muslims to be banned from entering the US. Is that a risk worth taking?

“Brexit” would “surely have unforeseeable consequences on European cooperation, about which I absolutely do not wish to speculate about because I am convinced that Britons will make the reasonable decision”, he said in an interview with the Funke Mediengruppe press group to be published on Monday.

Highlighting the bloodshed in the Balkans and Russian aggression in Georgia and Ukraine, he will say: “Can we be so sure that peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt?”

The benefits of collaborating on security, combating terrorism and criminals, are obvious to Labour and Conservative Prime Ministers so one of the most significant questions every voter must answer before the referendum on June 23 is are we safer in or out of Europe?

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the plan by Brexit campaigners to also quit Europe’s single market would be “catastrophic” for the economy, as the two sides ratcheted up the rhetoric with less than seven weeks until a referendum on Britain’s European Union membership. “That was true in 1914, 1940, 1989… and it is true in 2016”. “We should listen to the voices that say Europe had a violent history, we’ve managed to avoid that and so why put at risk the things that achieve that?”

The Britain Stronger In Europe campaign released a video message from Second World War veterans to underline the Prime Minister’s message.

Mr Osborne claimed Mr Gove’s suggestion amounted to an admission that leaving the European Union would mean leaving the single market.

And it shows that the “leave” vote is rising and the “remain” vote is falling.

Amid accusations of scaremongering, Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, said the prime minister was not suggesting there would be new wars between western European powers, but that the EU would be less able to influence less stable nations on its borders without Britain’s participation.


The former mayor of London will speak before starting a battle bus tour of the country on behalf of the Leave campaign later this week.

Brexit Could Put Peace In Europe At Risk- PM