
Ukraine bans actor Depardieu from entry for 5 years, UNIAN reports

According to news website Apostrof, the ban materialized after a letter originated from Ukraine’s national security service, the SBU.


Depardieu’s decision to become a Russian citizen two years caused a public backlash and diplomatic incident in France where he was accused of fleeing the country to avoid paying high taxes.

Depardieu first outraged Kiev’s new pro-Western leaders by striking up a close friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and once reportedly even denying the very existence of an independent Ukraine.

French actor Gerard Depardieu holds a hand scythe in the presidential residence of Ozerny, outside Minsk, Belarus, July 22, 2015.

He told a film festival in the Latvian capital Riga last year, “I love Russian Federation and Ukraine, which is part of Russia”.


Ukraine’s culture ministry released a list of actors, musicians and other figures that it deemed as “Russia-friendly”, and stated that they posed a national security threat. His 1990 film “Cyrano de Bergerac” earned him an Oscar award nomination. Moreover, Russian Federation and more specifically Putin is commonly believed to have backed corruption-tainted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his cabinet, which was overthrown by pro-European protests last year, reported World Bulletin.

French actor Gerard Depardieu holds a hand scythe in the presidential residence of Ozerny outside Minsk Belarus