
Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko calls Putin ‘double-tongued’

As part of its security assistance program launched previous year, the United States sent 300 military instructors to Ukraine in April, 2015, and provided security-related aid to the country worth about 245 million dollars.


“The full-scale information war and propaganda campaign have become a particular destructive form of non-military aggression”, he continued.

U.S.-Russian relations deteriorated after Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014.

Ukraine consents to really apply 2B cubic m of Russian nitrous oxide into ground breaking space internet sites on its archipelago helping supplies necessities…

The Russian delegation was not present in the General Assembly Hall for Poroshenko’s speech, an apparently deliberate boycott. Evidence points to Russian Federation, but their vetoes on the council have stalled investigations to find out “who organized this crime and from which country the mentioned arms had been transported”.

A summit on Ukraine last took place in February in Minsk, where steps were agreed to stop the conflict, which flared up previous year after Ukraine’s pro-Moscow president fled following street protests in Kiev. At least 7,962 people have already died in the Ukraine conflict, according to the UN. One Russian delegate remained in the assembly to hear the speech which a Russian diplomatic source told state news out of “custom”.

Petro Poroshenko said it hard to believe Vladimir Putin’s calls to establish an anti-terrorist coalition, while Moscow was fighting a war in its own backyard.

The Russian leader on Monday called for a broad UN-backed coalition to fight the Islamic State group as he seeks to muscle his way back onto the world stage after months of isolation over Ukraine. Surprisingly, there has been no ceasefire violation in eastern Ukraine since September 1. Ukraine reached a deal with debt holders in August for a 20 percent write down on $18 billion.


“I am a prisoner of war and a hostage who has been abducted”, she said, rejecting Russia’s claim that she crossed the border herself, posing as a refugee. “These are such preferences”, the Russian head of government said.

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