
UN Chief Says Iran Deal Marks Fundamental Shift

Ali Larijani, a hard-liner who helped to gain parliamentary approval past year for the historic nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, said in parliament on July 20 that USA government officials are putting obstacles in the way of Iran being readmitted into the world economy.


The International Atomic Energy Agency has verified that Iran has carried out its commitments towards the historical deal, but the Islamic Republic complains that it still does not have access to global financial markets as part of the terms of the nuclear agreement.

The authenticity of the document shared with the AP on the add-on agreement was confirmed by another diplomat.

The document is, according to AP, the only part of the deal that hadn’t yet been made public.

The nuclear deal, signed a year ago, was meant to prevent Iran’s proclaimed peaceful nuclear research from being directed at making weapons.

Last Monday, the U.S.-owned Associated Press news agency published a leaked document with information saying that the internationally negotiated deal will allow Tehran to enrich uranium 11 years after the deal is implemented and not 15 years as previously announced.

The document obtained by the AP fills in the gap.

The document obtained by the AP says that as of January 2027, Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines.

It was widely assumed that Iran would try to work on developing advanced centrifuges, which enrich several times faster than the first generation centrifuges Iran now has deployed, Landau explained.

Two diplomats providing the information Monday demanded anonymity because they weren’t authorized to do so. But they maintain that in every other way, Iran is proving to be even more belligerent than before, violating the spirit of the deal by conducting missile tests and continuing to demonize the USA and Israel with hateful rhetoric. At the worldwide level, this may make compromise at Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conferences even more elusive, since states will doubt USA resolve to enforce the rules of the nuclear road.

He said it had always been a provision of the nuclear agreement that Iran could begin to grow its enrichment capacity after a decade, “under the IAEA’s watchful eye”.

President Barack Obama acknowledged in an interview in April 2015 that Iran’s breakout time would be “near zero” by the end of year 15.

The deal provides Iran with sanctions relief in exchange for its nuclear constraints.

Larijani argued that testing ballistic missiles is not prohibited in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal itself.


The report sparked criticism not only by Iran but the USA and Russian Federation.

Secret document lifts key Iran nuke constraints: report