
UN chief: Turkey exercising self-defense against PKK

But the number of PKK militants detained outnumber ISIS affiliates more than 6 to 1.


The military launched its air campaign against PKK camps in northern Iraq on July 24. Kurdish group not against the Turkish state itself.

Living in denial won’t bring anything to Turkey but violence and instability.

Hundreds of police backed up by armored vehicles had tried to enter the town and had opened fire on local people, he said. He welcomed Turkey’s decision to cooperate more closely with the US-led coalition fighting the IS jihadists, but said its conflict with the PKK guerrillas was another matter. Since April, the government has denied delegations from the HDP access to the PKK leader, fuelling speculation that Ankara is not interested in easing tensions. “We will join them if it is necessary”.

Within hours of the deal between the two countries, Turkey pretended to attack ISIS with a single air raid.

Young Kurds are distrustful and ask to see the press pass of the visitor, not willing to give up their own names.

The author is a Syrian Kurdish journalist based in Washington, DC. After this, Turkey under Erdogan hopes to overthrow the government of Syria. But the move will also ensure that this territory remains out of the hands of the PYD, preventing Syria’s Kurds from joining up areas under their control into what could otherwise become a strip of Kurdish land running from the Iraqi border almost to the Mediterranean. The Kurdish militias in Syria are linked to the PKK.

Turkish attacks on the Kurds are not surprising. So effective, that there have been calls in the US to remove the PKK from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. The group is “taking advantage of the situation in the region” to undermine Turkey, Cavusoglu said.

“The PKK’s presence in the region is not legitimate”, Ali was quoted as saying.

The settlement process has since stalled amidst mutual suspicion on both sides.

By only highlighting PKK’s violent attacks on pipelines, railways, and electricity infrastructure in Turkey, he has justified attacking PKK targets as “an obligation”.

The E.U on its part urged for the use of proportional force and a return to negotiations with the PKK.

The statement said that the slain private had only recently ended his military service.

Erdogan also lashed out at Demirtas, suggesting that “he can’t take a stand against the PKK, which is recognised as a terrorist organisation by Europe and the United States“. In time, this may change if ISIS really deems Turkey to be an enemy based on former masters not being able to control what they helped to create. The official was not authorized to speak on the record and spoke on condition of anonymity. He said police do not have enough evidence to charge his clients. “By the way, the recent Turkish air strikes on Iraq can not but lead to similar issues”.


“I don’t believe there is law or justice in Turkey anymore”, Kaya’s brother said.

3 killed in clash between Turkish police, Kurds: report