
UN launches initiatives to expand renewable capacity in Africa

“Declining renewable technology costs are a significant driver for these results”, Beiter said. Under the program, Duke Energy and Google agreed on the specific project and additional costs associated with energy from the facility.


These two measures alongside the need to explore cleaner ways of producing energy have been given weight, as SE4All indicated that the energy sector is “responsible for 60-percent of current greenhouse gas emissions – and more efficient ways to distribute and use it, is central to the fight against climate change”. The aim is to expand clean energy and transform Africa into an example for the rest of the world.

In Africa, about 645 million people have no access to electricity.

“We are making it easier for Victorian householders to take up renewable energy technology”, said state energy minister Lily D’Ambrosio.

“Why would we pay for clean energy projects that we won’t ever receive electricity from?”

To ensure our economic prosperity, to protect our health and children, and to ensure our security and safety, we need to act now to transition our country to more than 50 percent clean energy by 2030.

As per the above graph solar energy will be increasingly cost competitive with fossil fuels in coming years.

African speakers at a COP21 side event noted that, according to the OECD, only about 14% of resources mobilised for climate change is allocated for adaptation, with Africa receiving only around 4% of adaptation financing despite bearing a disproportionate burden of the adverse impacts of climate change.

The author, Chen Weihua, is deputy editor of China Daily USA.

Over $10bn worth of backing for the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative was also announced yesterday, with funds from the EU, Sweden and the G7. Their Innovation Centre, now under construction, is described as the “Silicon Valley for clean energy innovations”. UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, told conference delegates in Paris that energy saving is a triple-win when trying to mitigate the effects of global warming.

“We provide assistance to India, we invest in India, many other countries do, we certainly want to work with our Indian partners to encourage and to help, exactly what they are trying to do and do our best to help them realize that” – U.S. lead negotiator Todd Stern said. The participating countries will work together in order to increase solar capacity across emerging markets.


YEO alum Dominic Frongillo, a former town councilman in Caroline, NY, is expected to present the letter to President Obama at the climate talks. A big step will come in late December when it opens the first phase of a massive concentrated solar power (CSP) plant covering a space roughly the size of its capital city, Rabat. He divided environmental sustainability into four main goals, or pillars: renewable energy, innovative technology, global partnerships and deployment assistance, and sustainable development.

Irish energy policy and climate change