
UN Launches World Toilet Day To Raise Awareness About Sanitation Issues

For this to happen, we need to break the silence and talk about toilets and defecation habits and how they affect our everyday life. When nature calls, we simply excuse ourselves, close the door and take care of business. These, for us, are basic requirements. With the new toilet block in their community, the women’s group reported feeling safer and more empowered; they continue to meet to discuss other ways to improve their community and the future for their children. The majority of them are living in extreme poverty across parts of rural Asia and Africa, each and every one of them denied their fundamental human right of access to clean water and sanitation.


The report highlights the plight of more than 2.3 billion people in the world who do not have access to a safe, private toilet.

The agency says lack of sanitation, particularly open defecation or using the outdoors as a toilet, contributes to diarrhoea and the spread of intestinal parasites that cause malnutrition. “What does this do?” Nepal has in fact made incredible initiatives in both water and sanitation in recent years. “Women and girls risk rape and abuse, because they have no toilet that offers privacy”. These seven trends reveal why toilets remain an important issue in the country, especially for its women and children. To achieve this, local community members, including girls and women, must be consulted on the location and design of toilets and latrines, to make sure that they will actually be used.

“It’s not private, it’s not safe”. “There are so many emotional traumas related to it, notwithstanding the physical ones”.

Girls need adequate sanitation facilities to manage menstruation.

UNICEF estimates that one in 10 school-age African girls either skips school during menstruation or drops out entirely because of lack of sanitation.

It is expected that the National Sanitation Campaign (NSC) will reach 1.52 million households in a span of four years and 812 schools will be provided with improved toilet facilities and hand washing points.

If you’re scared of heights, this toilet might not be ideal.

To get the nation talking about toilets, WaterAid India is also organising a “Sa Re Ga Ma Poo” music concert by popular folk-rock band Indian Ocean band on November 19 in Nehru Park, New Delhi. More importantly, it provides guidance for action.


The report said,”The resulting health crisis is a serious matter”. “Not just learn, but also share that information with your friends and families and communities”. The CLTS approach consists of identifying “Natural Leaders” and then training them to help raise awareness about how feces in the environment can impact their health. If you want to go, you go. She therefore will not go for those number of days or simply drop out because it’s actually unsafe if she needs to relieve herself.

On this day people are encouraged to take action and help promote the idea that more needs to be done