
UN Security Council endorses Iran nuclear deal

The United Nations Security Council endorsed a resolution on Monday that clears a path for the lifting of international economic sanctions against Iran, newswires reported.


Deal… Thomas Mayr-Harting, left, head of the delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, shakes hands with Iran’s UN Ambassador, Gholamali Khoshroo, at UN headquarters on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power said the deal gives Iran “an opportunity to prove to the world that it intends to pursue a nuclear program solely for peaceful purposes”.

The Security Council also approved a provision that would automatically reinstate the harsh measures if Tehran reneges on its promises.

Under the agreement, Iran will have to cut storage of low-enriched uranium to 300 kilograms, limit nuclear production of highly enriched uranium for ten years, and access to nuclear fuel and equipment for 15 years. “The serious stakes of the issue merit a debate that rejects the false choice between accepting this agreement and advocating for war“.

Under the terms of the nuclear deal, Iran is barred from developing ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

China will continue to have constructive cooperation with all parties, including the United States, to ensure the implementation of the comprehensive agreement and the UN Security Council decision”, Xi said. And on Thursday, Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will come to Capitol Hill to address lawmakers on the matter, Pelosi said.

It said Iran would in any case never seek a nuclear bomb, “in line with the historic fatwa (religious decree) of supreme guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has banned the use of weapons of mass destruction”.

The official described Netanyahu as “blunt” and “passionate”, offering the same kinds of arguments privately that he has made at length in public.

“The more we proliferate this stuff, the more difficult it is to bring diplomacy in to negotiations”, he said. Then they are required to begin preparations so they are able to lift sanctions as soon as the IAEA verification report is submitted.

Pelosi praised the deal, calling it “a major accomplishment”.


Kerry and the Obama administration failed to stand strong with Russia and America’s European Allies winning in the end as the deal went before the UN Security Council.

Rep. Steve Israel D-N.Y. speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington after attending a meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and the House Democratic Caucus to talk about the Iran nuclear deal. The lobbyi