
Unannounced Sony PS4 Neo Expected to Stop Players Jumping to PCs

There have been some unanswered questions mainly regarding the kind of console generation we are headed towards. While there had been a collection of many surprising and satisfying game announcements, Sony had never mentioned PlayStation Neo.


Sony announced at its Monday presentation at the Electronic Entertainment Expo that a virtual reality rendition of Rocksteady Studios’ “Batman: Arkham” series is landing on PlayStation VR, while an all-new Spider-Man adventure from Insomniac Games is crawling onto the PlayStation 4.

PlayStation executive Andrew House confirmed the Neo less than a week ago.

With the cat out of the bag, Layden doesn’t seem to mind that Microsoft jumped the gun on Sony. Most gamers will also likely be grateful for the extra power Neo will provide if PlayStation VR proves to be a success when it releases this October. “I’m not suggesting we want to bring the games industry two an 18-month-two-year cycle because then you would lose an terrible lot of the fixed platform benefits we’ve enjoyed that allow for these really great leaps in game experience”. There were so many promising games, so many things to look forward to in the coming years like Resident Evil: Biohazard for VR and a new God Of War that appears to be totally different than any other God Of War game ever created.

Sony will be rolling popular gaming titles for the PlayStation VR.

“It has tremendous potential not just in games, but with a multitude of applications”, House said of virtual reality.

As far as PlayStation President, Sean Layden, is concerned, all is well and good as far as Microsoft’s move to break the ice on their Xbox Scorpio.

PlayStation concentrated by revealing its new games by satisfying the game aficionados with trailers, classic remakes, release dates and confirmation of the most anticipated titles.

As well as games, users will also be able to enjoy 360-degree photos and videos captured by devices such as omnidirectional cameras, which will let them feel as if they are physically inside the captured scene. Will Sony launch PS4 Neo soon?


Ryan added that the company is “completely confident that [the initial games lineup] are going to provide a first class VR experience”, dismissing claims that Neo would be required for quality virtual reality gaming.

WATCH: Sony PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference Live Stream