
UNC uncovers potentially more violations in academic scandal

Chapel Hill officials had been preparing to release the university’s response to the NCAA next week, but that response will now be delayed while the association reviews the new information.


“We identified this new information as part of our due diligence in preparing our response to the notice of allegations and materials for public release”, said Director of Athletics Lawrence R. (Bubba) Cunningham.

The potential men’s soccer recruiting violations that UNC found is unrelated to the current investigation. Under NCAA procedures, if those are determined to be Level I or II violations, the notice of allegations must be amended to include them. The new information was reported to the NCAA Committee on Infractions on August. 10 as required by the NCAA infractions program. It’s unclear what the new timetable will be, but the statement North Carolina released indicated both school officials and the NCAA are confident the review of the new data can be concluded within 60 days. The school says it is related to the second of five violations outlined by the NCAA, which contends that Jan Boxill, the program’s former academic adviser, wrote papers for members of the Tar Heels women’s basketball team and, in one instance, turned in a player’s paper to a professor while also recommending what the grade of the paper should be.

“I know today’s announcement will cause some to ask when all of this will end”, Cunningham said. While we need to address these new developments, we have already completed the majority of the work necessary to respond to the NCAA’s notice.

New findings could delay UNC’s response to a notice of allegations from the NCAA. This information was not mentioned in the NCAA’s notice. “If that takes a little bit longer, that’s where we are but we want to bring it to closure and a fair conclusion for all involved”. The lack of institutional control focused on the AFAM department and the academic support program for athletes, including the conduct of a women’s basketball adviser for providing too much help on assignments. The University can only comment about NCAA process and policies; it cannot comment on the substance of the case until its completion.

North Carolina’s flagship public university has replaced the name of a campus building that trustees decided almost a century ago should honor a reputed Ku Klux Klan leader.

The first two allegations state that North Carolina athletes received impermissible benefits unavailable to the rest of the student body when their academic counselors obtained special assistance and privileges for them.


Multiple media organizations reported new signs were installed Thursday on Carolina Hall at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

University of North Carolina Chancellor Carol Folt center addresses the media following a special joint meeting of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees