
Uncle: Search for woman helped saved another in Ohio

The unidentified woman whispered to the OH 911 operator the identity of her kidnapper, relative location and then was able to stay on the line for 20 minutes until police arrived at the abandoned house.


The woman, who has not been identified, said her captor had a stun gun.

Grate is charged with murder and kidnapping. Two bodies were found Tuesday at a home in Ashland. Grate reportedly led them to the body of a third woman. She was reported missing earlier this month.

Grate is accused of holding the surviving woman “against her will for the objective of engaging in sexual activity”, between September 11 and 13, Tunnel said.

Outraged at the police inaction, Argil says, the Stanley family gathered together to look for Stacey on their own – coming as close as discovering the scene where her body was later found before asking, unsuccessfully, for police to get involved. He said they were padlocked and checked weekly. A woman’s report that she was being held captive in a home led to the arrest of a kidnapping s.

One of the bodies was identified as 43-year-old Stacey Stanley, of Ashland. The woman was able to tell the dispatcher where officers can enter the home.

Grate, 40, has been charged with abduction and two counts of murder and is being held in the Ashland County jail, the Ashland Times-Gazette reported. The body was found inside a house set on fire in Richland County.

When asked if she was bleeding, the woman said, “Not anymore”.

Mr Grate, who was described by investigators as homeless, has a lengthy arrest record in the Crawford and Mansfield Municipal Courts including a domestic violence charge against his former girlfriend, Cleveland 19 reported. The 17-year-old said she found it unusual that the 40-year-old man repeatedly tried to invite her to a house people knew was abandoned.


Authorities checked the Mansfield-area site Tuesday and found decomposed remains in a ravine behind the house. “My prayers are with the families who lost their loved ones to these horrific acts”.

Pago PKG Stanley family believes police could have done more to locate missing women                      WEWS