
Unemployment rate rises to six per cent in Alberta

Friday’s report showed a drop of 8,300 jobs in construction during June and a loss of 4,600 workers in manufacturing. Thomas jobless rate has climbed to 6.3%, that’s up from 5.9% in June.


Alberta’s natural resources sector, which includes oil and gas, saw 1,700 fewer jobs in July, as the energy industry continues to struggle with low oil prices.

New Brunswick unemployment rate hit 11 per cent in July, according to Statistics Canada’s monthly labour force report. At the exact same time, the US also released its jobs report: the Non-Farm Payrolls, leading to elevated volatility. Calgary’s rate rose to 6.6 per cent from 5.7 in June, though Statistics Canada cautions city numbers can fluctuate widely, as they’re based on small statistical samples.

The agency also says an additional 41,000 people considered themselves self-employed in July.

The gains reflected more self- employed and part-time work, with the number of full-time jobs falling 17,300.


At the same time, both private and public positions declined marginally and the jobless rate continued at 6.8 per cent – where it has been since February.

Esteban Bourzac fills out paperwork as he starts his new job at Smoothe King