
Unfriending a co-worker on Facebook could constitute workplace bullying

Clearing out your Facebook account is normal practice for many of us, but a workplace tribunal has ruled that unfriending could be construed as bullying. Fair Work Commission maintains that by Unfriending staff on social networks, organizations depict a lack of “emotional maturity” and indicative of unreasonable behavior.


Ms Roberts had complained to James Bird, the boss of the agency, the View, in Launceston – and husband of Mrs Bird – that she was not getting a fair representation of her properties displayed in the front window of the agency, the paper reported.

“The “schoolgirl” comment, even accepting of Mrs Bird’s version of events, which I am not, is evidence of an inappropriate dealing with Ms Roberts which was provocative and disobliging”.

The Commission’s deputy president Nicole Wells believes that by pressing the unfriend button on Facebook Mrs. Bird showed she did not like Ms. Roberts.

Ms Roberts was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and received medication and treatment from a psychologist. Lisa stopped saying good morning to Rachael, blaming her for the loss, before unfriending her on Facebook and, when Rachael spoke to her superiors about the matter, called her a “naughty little schoolgirl running to the teacher”. As a result Ms. Robert’s says she went on to lose an important deal.

As well deleting Ms Roberts from her friends list the tribunal found Ms bird humiliated her in the office and damaged relations between Ms Roberts and her clients.

Ms Roberts had also claimed she was not allowed to adjust the temperature setting on the air conditioning unit while other employees were, and that she was required to wear an ill-fitting work uniform even when others were not, however the FWC struck down these allegations.

But legal experts have been quick to point out that the Facebook unfriending only played a minor role in what was a much larger workplace bullying case.


Under the Fair Work Act, the tribunal can order the employer and employee to hold a meeting about anti-bullying orders, but cannot impose compensation.
