
Union mad police victims have voice at DNC, not cops’ widows

The convention is scheduled to convene on Monday.


At the convention, delegates also will adopt the official Democratic Party platform and the rules and procedures that will guide the nomination process for presidential candidates in the next election cycle. She added that “we can not, we must not vilify police officers”.

“It’s not easy to have someone screaming epithets in your face two inches away from your nose”.

The New York Police Department bomb squad was called in after police say someone threw a suspicious object at a patrol auto.

Recent fatal police shootings of black men in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and St. Paul, Minnesota, and the killings of five police officers at a rally in Dallas and then three officers in Baton Rouge, have added tension to a gathering already marked by conflict.

A police union president in Philadelphia said his members are “insulted” over Hillary Clinton’s decision to have relatives of people killed by police speak at the convention next week and not the relatives of police officers killed in the line of duty.

The man who ambushed and killed three law enforcement officers in Louisiana purportedly described his actions as a “necessary evil” in a self-described, handwritten manifesto that an OH man says was emailed to him by the.

“Today’s citizens are perhaps more informed on the election than ever before, thanks to the important role of the internet and a nonstop news cycle”, says Anthony Christie, Chief Marketing Officer, Level 3. Most crowds numbered in the hundreds, not the thousands.

Cleveland’s entire protest zone was 1.7 square miles, and the Quicken Loans Arena, where the convention was held, was on the western edge of it.

Main Line residents can join in on some of the city’s events while the party’s leaders make plans and meet the press at the Wells Fargo Center.

WHAT THEY PLAN: About 200 supporters will march from south Philadelphia, through the Italian Market to City Hall on Monday to protest the detention of immigrants in the Berks Family Detention Center, 60 miles west of Philadelphia, and the deportation of immigrants on a daily basis.

More than 50,000 visitors are expected in the Philadelphia region for the four-day event, including delegates, politicians, journalists and protesters. “We’re going to be spreading people around according to our capacity, and we expect to have a good number of people to cover just about everything”, Grant said.


The founding fathers and many other revolutionaries met to discuss the forming of the United States within the city.
