
United Kingdom trumps Trump on bid to build a migration wall

Migrants from the camp sometimes use tree branches to create roadblocks to slow trucks heading for Britain. The report also noted the most migrants coming through at Calais are Syrian, Eritrean, Sudanese, Iranian and Iraqi.


The Home Office said Northamptonshire police had alerted immigration enforcement officers.

Goodwill said that the wall will stretch for a kilometre along the dual carriageway that approaches the port.

“People are still getting through”, immigration minister Robert Goodwill told the Home Affairs Select Committee. “We’ve done the fence, now we are doing a wall”, he said.

Hungary has built a fence topped with razor wire on its border with Serbia and Austria and Norway is set to begin construction on wall along its arctic border. Germany and Austria also closed their borders temporarily last European summer in an attempt to stem the flow of people coming into the country.

Members of British government, who support immigration, shared concerns that would Calais would send “the same message of exclusion commonly associated with the controversial proposal” by Trump to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, according to the Washington Post. We don’t want him. They face fines if caught with any people in their vehicle in the UK.

Save the Children, a British charity, responded to the plan saying the government should focus on protecting the hundreds of vulnerable children trapped in the unsafe conditions in Calais, “instead of building a wall”.

As it happens, Britain may get its big, beautiful, wall before America does, though France isn’t paying for it.

Phil Kerton from the organisation said: “I’m far from sure it’s the right answer, walls have proved pretty useless in the past, the Berlin Wall of course. people will just go around the end of it I believe”.

Still, critics have condemned the project as a waste of taxpayer money and is “morally wrong”. “It could make it more unsafe for people, it will push up tariffs for people smugglers and people will end up taking more risks”, he told the Guardian.

He defended the government’s record on helping child refugees with links to Britain in the Calais camp, saying they were trying to speed up the process.


Earlier this month, on a visit to Calais, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said France was “determined” to totally dismantle the camp.

The Jungle Calais