
United Nations agency: No confirmed Zika cases linked to Rio Olympics

Doctors discovered the first known case of the Zika virus in Ventura County earlier this month.


GS officials have also been in communication with the local health department regarding mosquito control methods, according to the campus alert. Travel-related cases stem from people bringing the disease into the state after being infected elsewhere.

“Zika has been around for a long time, but I think this is the biggest outbreak that we’ve seen of it in recent years”, said Butler.

Zika is transmitted to people by mosquitos.

Lastly, the health office said citizens should eliminate any standing water on their properties.

The CDC advises pregnant women not to travel to an area where active Zika transmission is ongoing, and to use insect repellent and wear long trousers and long-sleeved shirts if they are in those areas.

Zika can also be transmitted sexually. “Continue using insect repellent to prevent spreading the virus to mosquitoes in your community upon your return and refrain from unprotected sex so you don’t pass the virus to your partner”.

This Q & A will tell you what you need to know about Zika. “There’s not a medicine to take”.

Almost 400 local Zika infections will occur in the state by September 15, with eight of those infections in pregnant women in their first trimester, according to projections from biostatisticians at the University of Florida (UF) and other institutions. If a mother is infected, it causes the baby to have an abnormally small head and hinders brain development – a disease called Microcephaly.

Despite approximately 60 other cases of travel-related Zika virus in the State of Georgia, there are no reports of local transmission of the virus in Georgia.

“If you’ve traveled and you have those symptoms, we encourage you to contact your provider”.

The two Aedes species of concern, the yellow fever mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito, are not now found in the county, the department said.


In a statement, the agency said testing of donated blood is already underway in Florida and Puerto Rico, as well as in other areas, and that it has shown to be beneficial in identifying donations infected with Zika virus. They set traps to monitor the mosquitoes and spray whenever they need to.

Office of Gov. Rick Scott