
United Nations denounces North Korea’s missile tests

Recent and apparently successful test launches of ballistic missiles from North Korean submarines has Seoul fearing the weapons may be deployed within months or even weeks. Such a repeatedly action of the DPRK’s government showed the absolutely ignoring the global norm and regulation in the field of nuclear tests.


North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un boasted that the submarine-launched missile was his “greatest success”, putting the US mainland “within striking range”.

Until the statement was adopted on Friday, the Security Council members had been unable to agree on common language to condemn Pyongyang’s action. The missile reportedly flew about 500 kilometers (300 miles) towards Japan, allegedly falling in Japan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

“The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the launching of a SLBM by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on August 23 (New York time)”, a copy of the statement, released by the ministry, showed.

It further demanded that North Korea “refrain from further actions, including nuclear tests”, and called on all United Nations member states “to redouble their efforts” to implement sanctions against Pyongyang.

Earlier this month, the 15-member council had been unable to agree on a USA -drafted statement to condemn North Korea’s August 3 launch of a ballistic missile that landed in or near Japanese-controlled waters.

Malaysian counselor Johan Ariff Abd Razak, whose country holds the council presidency, said Thursday the United States circulated a draft statement to members and China asked for more time to consider it.

Jon said that the latest submarine-launched missile didn’t cause any harm to the security of neighboring countries. “The best way of escaping the deadly strike of the infuriated KPA is to refrain from hurting the dignity and security of the DPRK with prudence and self-control”.

“These launches are in grave violation of the DPRK’s worldwide obligations under the UNSC resolution 1718, 1874, 2087, 2094, and 2270”, the statement said, referring to all the UNSC resolutions imposed on North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.


In Friday’s statement, the Security Council “reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia at large”.

People watch a television screen reporting news of North Korea's latest submarine-launched ballistic missile test at a railway station in Seoul South Korea