
United States election 2016: Bernie Sanders nabs first congressional endorsement

Video clips of Clinton talking about the trade deal are stored on YouTube, giving her opponents made-for-TV footage that could be used in television ads to highlight her shifting positions. So far, CafePress has sold 19,132 Sanders products and only 17,276 Clinton ones.


All eyes in the Democratic Party are also on Bernie Sanders, who is gearing up for Tuesday’s debate with more giant rallies.

Sanders poses for a picture with supporters at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

As for Sanders, PunditFact found that Todd’s statement is pretty accurate. “The electorate is speaking, and Clinton is clearly listening”.

Still, Sanders is seen in the eyes of many Democrats as a fringe player who’s unelectable on a national stage.

“The way that he talked about the refugee crisis – he came across as a very authentic person”, she said.

“I’m hoping he [announces] it soon so we’re not losing others to committing to other candidates”, Simpson said. “It’s time to break up the two-party dictatorship”. Despite filling out a campaign commitment card for Clinton this spring and canvassing on behalf of the candidate up until two months ago, Simpson said she is no longer volunteering and is waiting for Biden’s decision.

Bernie Sanders says he doesn’t attack people personally.

Sanders’ campaign insists it’s ready to step up to the Clinton challenge. According to Mata, many Young Democrats will be in attendance Friday, including the statewide president.

“This is wrong, and on my watch it will change”, she said.

Financial firms would also face increased culpability under Clinton’s proposals. A NBC/Wall Street Journal poll taken September 20-24 revealed that 42 percent of Democratic primary voters favor Clinton, while 35 percent now favor Sanders.

Clinton said at an Iowa campaign stop this week that her Wall Street plan would focus on more than banks, taking into account any kind of financial institution that causes disruption in the marketplace.

“Working-class Republicans are equally disgusted about a campaign finance system which allows billionaires now to buy elections”, Sanders continued.

The first one he brought up: The Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial and investment banking until it was repealed under President Bill Clinton.

Sanders opposes a “unilateral American no-fly zone in Syria which could get us more deeply involved in that awful civil war and lead to a never-ending USA entanglement in that region”.

A visibly upset President Obama took to the White House podium after the shooting to bemoan perpetual congressional inaction after any incident, saying these incidents should, indeed, be politicized. “I am delighted that Secretary Clinton is on board in opposition to the TPP”.

Chamberlain said he also sees Sanders’ influence in Clinton’s plan to punish gun manufacturers when their firearms are used to commit crimes.


Grijalva noted that Sanders, who comes from the relatively homogenous state of Vermont, “has been very inclusive in how he votes”. She has recently “clarified” her position on the Keystone Pipeline. “That’s proof of a contested primary”.

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