
United States election: Donald Trump’s speech aims to unify party

Instead, while addressing delegates at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday night, the Texas senator, who was the runner-up for the GOP presidential nomination, urged voters to “vote with your conscience”.


Facing his home state delegation over breakfast, Cruz was met with alternating choruses of cheers and shouts of disapproval from the crowd clad in Texas flag shirts and cowboy hats.

“I know there are people feeling insecure or anxious about their lives and futures”, Clinton said. I will tell the truth, I will not malign, I will not insult, I will not attack, I will tell the truth. “This is not a game, it is not politics, right and wrong matter”, Cruz shot back, flashing anger and irritation.

Trump spoke of America being on the decline (blaming in no small part Hillary Clinton), in a move past Republican nominees would have frowned upon.

“I assume there’s a reason the Trump campaign wanted me to speak”, said Cruz. “I don’t intend to say negative things about Donald Trump”.

Trump himself got into the act with a tweet saying that Cruz had broken his pledge to support the nominee (a pledge that Trump himself had said he wouldn’t honor), that Cruz had been booed, that he had seen the text of the speech and allowed it to proceed, and that it was no big deal. “There really wasn’t anything in the speech for me tonight that brought me on board”.

The Trump campaign indeed knew what Cruz would say before he went onstage, the campaign said.

Costa Rica’s La Nación led its coverage of Trump’s speech with his promise to have “Americanism” as his creed if he wins the White House.

“Something has gone terribly wrong when someone says “vote your conscience” and gets booed”, the former secretary of state told the large gathering of supporters.

‘It’s kind of hard to believe they spent all that time talking about me and not jobs and education, ‘ she said.

Cruz said he delivered this speech out of “obligation”.

“As president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce”, she said. “My pledge reads: “‘I’m with you” ― the American people!”

The survey by CNN/ORC, carried out just after Mr Trump accepted the Republican party’s nomination for USA president, found 57 per cent of people were “very positive” and 18 per cent were “somewhat positive” about his remarks, which focussed on his central message of keeping people safe from perceived threats, such as immigration from South America, Islamist terrorism and violent crime.


Republicans have used their convention to rally loyalists, but fissures have persisted after a brutal primary battle in which Trump defeated 16 rivals.

Trump addresses delegates on the final night of the Republican National Convention