
United States election: Hillary Clinton blasts Donald Trump for ‘casual inciting of violence’

As he struggled to turn the page on a hard period in his campaign, Mrs Clinton’s campaign continued a push to win over Republicans and independents, launching a group called “Together for America”. “Every single one of these incidences shows us that Donald Trump simply does not have the temperament to be president and commander in chief of the United States”.


“I have to tell you I feel that same sense of responsibility”, she said.

The political arm of the National Rifle Association launched a $3 million ad campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton in North Carolina and three other battleground states on Wednesday.

“You get to a certain point in this business, you’re not just responsible for what you say, you are responsible for what people hear and that might be a good lesson here”.

He then said that there was nothing people could do to stop Mrs Clinton from stacking the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices, before stating vaguely that “although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is – I don’t know. But I’ll tell you [host Brooke Baldwin], I’ve been speaking to a number of former Secret Service agents as well”. The overarching social media reaction was that Trump was quipping about assassinating Clinton, but his campaign still insists that he was only trying to rally people to vote.

She accused Trump of participating in an “inciting of violence” from his supporters against her.

Trump has since defended his remark, which prompted a wave of laughs from the crowd, as a reference to the political power of the gun-rights movement.

However, Trump says a lot of outrageous things on a regular basis, so it was hard to believe that he’d actually face consequences for any comments, including these.

The figures underscored deep divisions within the Republican Party over Trump’s candidacy.

“This is simple – what Trump is saying is unsafe”.

Gabby Giffords, the former Democratic congresswoman who survived an assassination attempt in 2011, said: “Responsible, stable individuals won’t take Trump’s rhetoric to its literal end, but his words may provide a magnet for those seeking infamy”.

Interviewed by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, he said everyone in his audience knew he was referring to the power of voters and “there can be no other interpretation”.

The Trump campaign declined to comment on what the Secret Service official told CNN.


I hope the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee are writing checks to the news media for their nearly universal support. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. “It does not show an intent to incite imminent lawless action”.

Paul Ryan: Trump's '2nd Amendment' Line Sounds Like A 'Joke Gone Bad'