
United States faces ‘moment of reckoning’ says Hillary

Dugan, a Bradley resident and former state representative, was among the Clinton delegates who delivered the votes needed to make her the first woman to be ever nominated for president by a major party.


On Thursday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton made history by stepping onto the stage at the Democratic National Convention to accept her nomination as the Democratic nominee for president. She touched on foreign policy, police brutality, women’s rights, gun control, education, the economy, and more outlining a way forward on a litany of issues.

People responded more favorably to Hillary Clinton’s convention speech than they did to Donald Trump’s, according to a CNN/ORC instant poll that compared audience reactions for both.

“In the end, it comes down to what Donald Trump doesn’t get: America is great because America is good”, she said. Feel free to scoff at the use of melodramatic imagery in an election speech, but it’s just this kind of emotional triggering that works with voters and always has.

We’ve reached the 100-day countdown in the unpredictable 2016 presidential election.

She said people wanted “steady leadership”, vowing to stand by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies against any Russian threats.

And she pledged to defeat the Islamic State group with air strikes and support for local ground forces, while authorising a “surge” in intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks.

“We will prevail”, she said.

It was, said Clinton in her acceptance speech the night before, a “moment of reckoning” for the country and the real battle lay not in the convention centre in Philadelphia, but on the backroads of western Pennsylvania and OH where Donald Trump wishes to pull off a stunning upset.

“Every time I mention her, everyone screams “lock her up, lock her up”, he said.

“Donald Trump says, ‘I know more about this than the generals do, ‘” she told the audience of Trump’s plan to fight ISIS after she explained the four specific steps she would take as president to defeat terrorists.

The speech also included something for supporters of Clinton’s vanquished rival, Vermont Sen.

Popcorn TV? You better believe it. “And she has a connection to hard-working American families forged in her lifetime of leadership and service to others”.

Clinton also negated Trump’s assertion that he alone could fix the country. I’m happy for little girls and grandmothers. Bernie Sanders to secure the nomination, and while Dugan ultimately is a Clinton supporter, her respect for Sanders and his loyal followers is evident. “Because when any barrier falls in America is clears the way for everyone”, she said.


“When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”, she said.


Eduardo Munoz Alvarez  Agence France Presse
Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a rally at Philadelphia's Temple University