
United States led strike kills 56 civilians in Northern Syria

Near Aleppo, meanwhile, government forces sought to tighten their siege of rebel-held districts of the battleground second city.


SNC president Anas al-Abdah said the strikes should be halted while the incidents were investigated, according to a statement issued late on Wednesday, and warned that the killing of civilians by the U.S.-led air campaign would “prove to be a recruitment tool for terrorist organisations”.

A U.S- led coalition in Syria has killed more than 100 civilians since June and wounded dozens more in airstrikes in and around the ISIS-controlled city of Manbij, according to several human rights groups.

But jets from the American-backed coalition reportedly bombed innocent people yesterday as they were trying to flee the fighting on Tuesday.

Syria civilian human rights observers state that ISIS-strongholds around Manbij, such as al-Tukhar, have been scenes of intense bombing, as reported by Amnesty International and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The Pentagon told Anadolu Agency the USA military is aware of the reports of civilian casualties from the region and it is looking into the allegations.

Syrian forces have given the Takfiri Daesh terrorists 48 hours to abandon the embattled northern city of Manbij near the Turkish border.

They have besieged the town and are advancing to the city centre under the cover of air strikes by the US-led worldwide coalition.

“We’re tracking the worst ever week of alleged Coalition civilian casualties in 2 years of war”, the civilian casualty watchdog Airwars Tweeted on Tuesday.

A Facebook page for activists in the area put the death toll at more than 200.

The deaths bring the total number of civilians killed in coalition airstrikes in the battle for the town to at least 104, including 29 children, SOHR said.

In a separate incident on Sunday, the Observatory reported that coalition airstrikes killed six civilians in Manbij, “including a woman with four of her children and an old man”.

Such attacks by coalition Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a joint Kurdish, Arab and US group, have been commonplace over the last seven weeks as they try to wrest the Manbij area from Islamic State control.

Amnesty International has said the bombing may have resulted in the largest loss of civilian life in Syria by the coalition to date.


But instead the information said that three of its airstrikes near Manbij Tuesday destroyed ISIS fight positions, 12 of its vehicles and a command center. It added that the U.S. military takes “all measures during the targeting process to avoid or minimise civilian casualties”.

US-led air strikes kill 21 civilians in Syria