
United States uni rescinds Cosby’s honorary degree

MSNBC’s Ari Melber explains how Bill Cosby could face charges after a newly-elected district attorney in Pennsylvania that campaigned on Cosby’s allegations could lead to charges against the comedian.


Kristina Ruehli on Monday filed a federal lawsuit saying Cosby falsely accused her of lying when she came forward past year and said he raped her in 1965. The suit claims that it is already one thing for an accused sexual assailant to remain silent on a case filed against him.

In their June answer to Dickinson’s defamation lawsuit, Team Cosby called the former catwalker a “self promoter and confessed persistent liar” who was trying to “cash in” on a “media frenzy”.

Like Ruehli, three other women – Tamara Green, Therese Serignese and Linda Traitz – say Cosby drugged them before having unwanted sexual contact with them.

The comedian has never been criminally charged and numerous alleged incidents date back decades so the statute of limitations for prosecution has long run out.

Ruehli, of Windham, said in her lawsuit that she met Cosby while working as a secretary at a Los Angeles talent agency, Artists Agency Corp., when she was 22.

“While the allegations against Mr. Cosby are deeply troubling, it is not our practice to rescind honorary degrees”, Vice President for University Communications Steve MacCarthy said in a statement last week. According to ABC News, Ruehli only took two drinks in his house that night before she passed out. She then woke up naked next to Cosby and she said he forced her to have oral sex with him. Cosby and his representatives have denied all previous allegations.


Constand reached a settlement with Cosby before her rape case went to trial – and after the former pudding pop pitchman admitted under oath that he bought Quaaludes to dope the women he wanted to grope.

Drexel revokes Cosby's honorary degree