
Upping ante, Clinton suggests Trump wants to become a dictator

“Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different”, she said in a quiet, confident voice, “they are risky”.


As for Hillary Clinton, she needs to define her voice to California voters, according to Baggins. Clinton has begun forcefully defining Trump on national security and temperament for the White House, but Sanders refuses to yield as California polls narrow. “You have many people who did get captured, I respect them greatly also”, Trump said.

“I will leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants”, she said.

She’s expected to cross that threshold just a few days later on June 7, when six states – including delegate-rich New Jersey and California – hold their primary contests.

“Happy to let Trump “dominate the news cycle” until 11/8/16″, Jesse Lehrich, a Clinton spokesman, tweeted on Friday, referring to the day when Americans nationwide cast their ballots for president.

During a rally Friday in Westminster, California, Clinton attacked Trump for saying the federal judge presiding over a case has a conflict of interest because he is “of Mexican heritage”.

Amid the laugh lines, Clinton cited her own experience as secretary of state, in particular her role advising President Barack Obama during the mission to kill al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, to suggest her approach to foreign policy was the more serious. I don’t understand Donald Trump running a whole campaign based on nothing but denigrating immigrants. “At some point you have to ask yourself, is this nothing but a political stunt?” The campaign will argue they have momentum and point to polls showing Sanders performing better against Trump.

“It’s all about him getting attention”.

His foreign policy platform is “dangerously incoherent”, she said.

Clinton’s robust assault on Trump was widely carried on television, a change for the leading Democratic candidate who’s frequently struggled to break through coverage of Trump. These are lawyers that know what they’re talking about and know – are very well-versed on what she did.

“If there is a large voter turnout, we will win”, Sanders said to thousands of supporters in Chico on Thursday night. We have to win. However, (and this will come as no surprise to anyone who has been observing voting processes in primaries so far) things are far more complicated than they first seem.

“There’s no question in my mind that she is the most recklessly risky U.S. presidential aspirant in American history”, Lendman said. But she shouldn’t be.

She said carrying out “a smart and principled” foreign policy was one way to honor the sacrifices of servicemen and women who died for the country.

So Clinton certainly has evidence to support her claim. “So the stakes in global state craft are infinitely higher and more complex than in the world of luxury hotels”, Clinton continued.


“She’s got people like Huma, the wife of Anthony Weiner”. Now how’d you like to have Anthony Weiner have our secrets? Well, guess what? She tells Anthony Weiner everything there is. “I’ve talked to him and I hear nothing bellicose or belligerent about him”.

Trump spotlight