
US Companies Stashed Trillions in Tax Havens past year

They suggested forcing companies to repatriate the profits and pay their 35 percent tax share, as well as closing all loopholes in current tax law for corporations. By shuffling those funds away from the attain of taxes, Apple does not have orchestrate back in a little over usd59 zillion.


Offshore Shell Games 2015 discloses that nearly 72 per cent of businesses listed on the Fortune 500 operated tax haven subsidiaries as of the end of previous year. The firm could legally owe zillion…

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development estimates that tax loopholes allow companies around the world to legally dodge as much as $240 billion in taxes per year.

“Congress can and should take strong action to prevent corporations from using offshore tax havens, which in turn would restore basic fairness to the tax system, reduce the deficit, and improve the functioning of markets”, the study from Citizens for Tax Justice and the US Public Interest Research Group Education Fund found. Just 30 companies account for $1.4 trillion in offshore profits.

Heralded as the most ambitious and fundamental change to worldwide tax rules in nearly a century, it was first mandated by the G20 countries in 2012 as electorates in developed nations responded in anger to the ability of large corporations to avoid paying tax. European Union member states agreed Tuesday on the automatic exchange of information on cross-border tax rulings.

“Approximately 60 percent of companies with tax haven subsidiaries have set up at least one in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands – two particularly notorious tax havens”.

America’s top companies have stashed a staggering $2.10 trillion of profits overseas in countries with lower or no tax rates, according to a new report. General Electric holds a reported $119 billion in 18 different subsidiaries; Microsoft holds $108.3 billion in five tax havens, and pharmaceutical company Pfizer now holds profits of $74 billion in 151 different subsidiaries.


“Most of America’s largest corporations maintain subsidiaries in offshore tax havens”. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., introduced a bill to stop “profitable corporations from sheltering income overseas…to avoid paying US taxes”.

OSPIRG: Nike uses offshore tax havens