
US cop placed on leave over Black Lives Matter posts

It is important for you to know the difference, We as children of God, need your help, for our hope in a better world seems to be in danger. The organizers said they want police to improve relationships with the black community.


When the Philadelphia Police Department in 1985 bombed a rowhouse and killed 11 men, women and children without outcome, not only didn’t all lives matter, but black lives damn sure didn’t matter. Because even if in this case the killer was not “one of ours”, we as Asian-Americans remain complicit in the awful toll the African-American population has faced, because of our indifference, our lack of empathy or our outright embrace of a meritocratic mythology that labels our community a “model minority” and black Americans as a values-compromised “underclass”.

As I said before, it has been 35 years since the bathhouse raids and the gay community still has hurdles to overcome.

“I think it’s a movement that is rooted on responsive reaction and not being proactive”. I didn’t like anything about those police contacts. What we got, though, was none of that. “I think it’s a very, very, very divisive term. They are not where they should be by any stretch”, he sad. And a bit later, when she finally lets loose a scream of anguish, her daughter, in heart-breaking composure says, “It’s OK, mommy, I’m right here with you”. “You have no business being a police officer”. Castile was reaching for his licence and registration, as instructed, at the time the officer commenced shooting. The reason so many white people are shot is because there are many more of them.

Yes, there are more white victims of police violence, Ramsey says, but proportionally, black people are 2.5 times more likely to fall victim to police violence.

The two videotaped incidents involving the executions of young black men by police, a day apart in Louisiana and Minnesota, aroused national protest at the casual way police have killed black men.

Alicia Garza, a co-founder of the official Black Lives Matter group, responded directly to Giuliani’s remarks Monday during an appearance on MSNBC.

A former federal prosecutor and a Republican who served eight years leading deeply liberal New York City, Giuliani has long linked himself to law enforcement. Neither did those Dallas police officers. She got off her machine and moved her bag so that it was away from me.

It will take some legislation and changes in policy to address the issues, Wash said, but no more Black Lives Matter protests are planned for now in Wichita unless they are geared toward federal lawmakers who do nothing to resolve the problems.

“To me it’s a hypocritical statement to say that they matter when we don’t care when we do it to each other”, Williams said.

“There’s many of us who would give our life for anybody, and we took this oath and we meant it”.

RPD Lt. Robert Larson was one of the officers who met with Garcia and Fimby and said the meeting went well.

I also choose to support my local police departments, many of whose numbers I have on speed dial.

Pendleton, on the other hand, has a different perspective. “Sometimes, people hear what they want to hear in those conversations”. “We look forward to the meeting with the mayor and the chief of police”.

In an emotional video posted live to Facebook, Ohio police Officer Nakia Jones said officers who experience such fear should quit.

In a debate so politicized and so close to home for millions, facts can sometimes get lost in the highly charged discussion.

Concurrently, communities will learn to trust and work with the police in such a model.

They also added that if someone did approach them in a violent way, they would respond with peaceful actions and said they’re glad police plan to be at the rally for the safety of everyone involved.

Not a showstopper in a fierce, cross-cutting debate that has mobilized public opinion nationwide.


After plowing through a large body of data, it concludes that “racially disparate crime rate is an insufficient explanation of racially disparate use of force rates”.

Black and blue: Double despair for African-American police