
US Democratic candidates clash over national security in third debate

Bernie Sanders’ have been suspended in the wake of the revelation that the campaign had improperly accessed and downloaded voter data belonging to the Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


“Sanders has really moved in the face of the facts”, Clinton said. “They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam Muslims in order to recruit”, Clinton said. Ms Clinton said the billionaire property mogul’s bashing of Muslims meant he was “becoming Isis’s best recruiter”.

Donald Trump struck back at Hillary Clinton Sunday morning, calling the Democratic frontrunner a liar and denying her claim the Islamic State used his videos as a recruitment tool, according to the International Business Times.

“I believe in action where we put together a strong coalition of forces”, Sanders said. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook accused the Sanders campaign of stealing parts of its “strategic road map” for voter turnout in the primary battle. Still, he slammed the Democratic National Committee for briefly cutting off his campaign’s access to its own voter files, calling it an “egregious act”. This is not the kind of campaign that we run.

“They may make one up, knowing the Clintons and knowing Hillary”, Trump said “But there’s no – there’s nobody – she just made it up”.

“We could get rid of Assad tomorrow, but that would create another political vacuum that would benefit ISIS”, he said.

“I agree, as I mentioned a moment ago, with King Abdullah: this is a war for the soul of Islam”, Sanders said.

Clinton’s response came in the debate at the end of a lengthy exchange with rivals Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley on the proper strategy to adopt in Syria.

It’s worth noting that, in both states, around 20 percent of Sanders supporters say they do not like what Clinton is saying, versus the roughly 10 percent of Clinton supporters who don’t like what’s coming from the Vermont senator.

“She’s a liar and everybody knows that”, Trump said.

The data breach left Clinton with basically with two options.

This was the first Democratic debate since the Dec 2 San Bernardino terrorist attack that killed 14 people.

With the first votes in the nomination race to be cast on February 1 in Iowa, Sanders and O’Malley are short of time to blunt Clinton’s momentum. The senator has deeply loyal supporters who are drawn to his economic- and inequality-focused campaign, but he’s far less comfortable discussing foreign policy issues.

Clinton questioned the affordability of some of Sanders’ proposals such as creation of a single-payer healthcare system and tuition-free college, suggesting these plans would lead to higher taxes on working families.


Pace reported from Washington.

Hillary Clinton Women for Hillary Washington Nov. 30 2015